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God's True Love

Writer's picture: Vernita "Neat" SimmonsVernita "Neat" Simmons

Thursday, May 18, 2023, I was blessed to be a guest at the glorious celebration of my dear friend Julia and Brian's wedding. The ceremony and the reception were unlike anything I've ever seen. It was indeed a time of celebration for the goodness of God, bringing two hearts together.

She had asked me to write on the topic of; God's True Love. After explaining what she desired this to be about, I sought the Lord, and; He poured into me this reading that shows what God's true love looks like. And if we could put this on display and practice these biblical principles each day, the world would never be the same. I pray it stirs your heart to put God's untainted love on a pedestal.

According to the dictionary, true love means the person whom one loves. The Bible uses the word; agapē, which means affection or benevolence. (1). It is of and from God. Agape love is always identified by what it does. Likewise, it goes beyond someone you love. And it never asks or expects anything in return.

God is the source of love. 1 John 4:8, AMP, tells us; The one who does not love has not become acquainted with God [does not and never did know Him], for God is love. [He is the originator of love, and it is an enduring attribute of His nature.]. So, it originated from God, pure, undefiled, and selfless. The Lord loved us so much that He died for humanity, this included the Jews and the Gentiles. God left nobody out, nor did He leave anybody behind. So, we must never base love on how someone treats us because it is not a transaction that guarantees; you a return on investment.

When you incorporate; God’s true love in your relationship, it changes the atmosphere. Likewise, it heals your soul and renews your heart. Can you imagine what the world would be like when we embody it in every relationship? That includes your siblings because you shall disagree, but without allowing; it to rip you apart. Even in your friendships, it rules supreme; and opens access to being who you are without the fear of pretending to be somebody you are not. You will be comfortable with each other because you give one another the utmost respect, kindness, and reverence.

Concerning business partners, you will not see everything; the same because you are different individuals. Still, for the; best of the company, you bring your best to the table, while bringing out the best in each other. What about the stranger? You may not know their real motives, but God’s true love is wise but is not quick to judge. And let us not forget about our enemies because you need it more than they do because, to be an effective witness of His untainted love, you must lay aside your pride and prejudice and that holier-than attitude and become more like Christ.

Regarding our youth, they will no longer look to other sources for love for acceptance because God’s true love accepts them as they are without unrealistic demands. Then, it transforms them by renewing their minds so; they become all He created them to be.

Are you ready to partake of God’s genuine love? Can you handle all it requires and remain loveable? Can you drink from the same cup Christ did? Are you ready to experience both good and bad times? Times of tremendous sorrow and joy? Seasons of challenging and uncertain times that will stretch your faith beyond the norm? Do you have the resilience to withstand whatsoever the devil throws at you and remain committed to the unrestricted love of God?

God’s true love covers a multitude of sins. (1 Peter 4:8). Beloved, it is all for accountability, truth over error, and even making unpopular decisions. Still, it is unconditional, expecting nothing in return. The agape love of God calls us to love as He loves us. A person may not have earned your affection, yet God loves past their actions and meets their need. So, it forgives and gives the offender more than a second chance. Still, because God cannot overlook sin, He does extend His grace more times than they deserve. Even when you put God through it, He still loves you like you are. God’s true love does not see you as a lost cause, so grace is extended even though you do not deserve this.

God’s absolute love loves all things and believes in all things. It hopes all things and endures all things. (1 Corinthians 13:4-8)

1. Love all things: God calls for us to have selfless concern for others without an ulterior motive for whatever we do for them.

2. Believes all things: You think the best when you see the worst. You trust God to do; something new in them, so; your perspective changes. You walk with them through the process without condemnation and judgment.

3. Hopes all things: Love remains unmoved through the most overwhelming difficulties. We want the best for them, so we inspire them even though they have given us every reason not to believe in them.

4. Endures all things: Love is persistence and longsuffering. It does not give up or think the worse.

5. It knows when to say No to certain behaviors and attitudes because loving somebody does not mean you treat anybody as unimportant, invisible, or inferior. Yet, it does everything in its power; to never give you a reason to depart. So, you lavish those you love with unlimited love even if that means saying no, I will not permit you to mistreat me. Nor can I let you use me or take advantage of me.

There will be no quid pro quo because whatever we do is not for gaining a reward. These practices help build strong relationships and communities and give others the courage to change the world and fill it with the essence of love. Then and only then can we do the contrary and turn the world upside down. (Acts 17:6).

God’s true love went to great lengths to redeem us. John 3:16 says, For God so [greatly] loved and dearly prized the world, that He [even] gave His [One and] only begotten Son so that whoever believes and trusts in Him [as Savior] shall not perish, but have eternal life. We are talking about God's true love, which requires a sacrifice like Jesus gave on Calvary.

My Friend, there is nothing you can do; to ever stop God from loving you. If you reject Him, He still loves you.

If you abandon Him, He still loves you.

If you falsely accuse Him, He still loves you.

You can discard the Lord, treat Him as if He does not exist, and choose to ignore Him; still, He loves you with everlasting love. Beloved, if it takes a lifetime for you to love Him, yet, His arms remain outstretched to you in hopes that you come to your senses and accept Him before it is too late. It is the essence of God’s true love. It never wears out. It never fails and never fades or ends. It will chase you down, climb the highest mountain, and swims through a disastrous tsunami to rescue you. Then He gently picks you up, covers you with His pinions, and provides refuge under His wings. From everlasting to; everlasting, His true love prevails because His love is relentless! It knows no bounds and fears nothing!

Love cannot resist giving its best when everything someone does presents the opportunity to get even, walk away, and never look back. It is attracted to the most dreadful offenses and persists through the bleakest storm. God’s true love is reliable, stubborn, and eternal. May God’s true love consume all of us today and take over our lives.

To Brian and Julia, copy/paste God’s true love in everything you do and say, and your love will never; go dim. But it will be a beacon of light that will forever reflect Christ. God Bless you, Beloved. And congratulations on your marriage.

I pray the song, When God Made You by Newsong featuring Nathalie Grant stirs your heart and encourages you to wait on the Lord for the groom or bride He has chosen for you.


How has this inspirational reading enlightened and empowered you regarding marriage and other relationships? Please leave your thoughts in the comment box, hit that heart, and share with others.

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