The final element to encourage you to rise above the naysayes negative analysis is when God empowers you to push pass anything sent from the enemy bent on crushing your spirit. If you allow the enemy to crush your spirit, he can steal your identify. You must realize your identify is in Christ. So,heed these words.
3. Empower You – This means to make (someone) stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their life and claiming their rights. Everyone wants to be treated with respect and dignity. Everyone desires to feel like they are appreciated and accepted. However, we live in a world where some feel they are better than others. To such people, you are no more than a speck of dust. But, that’s not how God sees you. To God, you are precious, magnificent, one-of-a-kind, woven meticulously by the hands of God. And Beloved, guess what?... God makes no mistakes!
So, what are your hopes, dreams and aspirations? What brings you so much joy, that it is like the air you breathe? Do you cry out for the injustices in the world, but been told you’re underqualified to do anything about it?Are you constantly looked over for promotions, raises, and opportunities? Well, Dear One, take heart, things can change for the better at a time you least expected them to because with God, nothing shall be impossible. You have something of value to offer to this world. And someone needs you to make a difference in their life. And it may not be on a grand scale. Oftentimes, it’s the little things that often makes the greatest impact.
You have passed many opportunities to move forward due to fear, lack of confidence, feeling inadequate, accepting the naysayer’s negative opinions, etc. You have sat on an incredible idea for far too long, afraid to act, frozen in time. Beloved, without courage an unlikely achievement will not be manifested. Without courage, great minds will never be discovered. So, step forward, utilize those skills, put your creativity to work, and go after your dreams. Your time has arrived! The stage is set for you to be placed on display for all creation to see that there really is more to you than meets the eye. You ask why? Simply because, you are just that important to God.
Have you ever been treated in a manner that was disrespectful?
How did you handle it?
After reading this article what would you do different should anyone disrespect you again?
Remember to send me your Prayer Request
End Notes: (3):https://www.google.com/