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You Are Just Thant Important To God - Essential Element 2/ Part 2

You’re Just That Important Part 2

This week we began with elements 1 and 2 to unlock your God given potential and to motivate you going forward.

  1. Elevate You – This means to raise the spirits; put in high spirits. Now, I can’t promote you to a higher or better position within the workplace. But, I can use my words to lift your spirits. And I hope what I write, and share on my social media platform and books bring you out of despair, and help you recognize that there is more to you than meets the eye.

You are valuable. And the enemy knows this. His plan is to keep you believing, speaking and acting in contrary to the plan and purpose God ordained for your life. You see – if Satan can convince you that you are no good and useless, you’ll forever go around the “revolving door of despair” believing you’ll never succeed. You will forever tell yourself you are a failure. ‘Nothing never turns out good for me. I might as well give up.’ This is why you can’t seem to move forward. Beloved, I am here to tell you, the devil is a perpetual liar.

There is GREATNESS inside of you. It’s been lying dormant long enough. It’s time to rise up and take your life back. Don’t be afraid to step out in faith. I am here, cheering you on, and so are a host of witnesses. If you need to go back to school and gain more training and knowledge, go for it. If you need to ask for help, it’s readily available, just stop being ashamed and ask. We are here to serve, and in one form or the other, God will grant us the opportunity to fulfill this quest. The question is, what will we do when it comes our term to do so?

2. Edify you - ed-i-fi-ka'-shun, ed'-i-fi: The Greek words oikodomeo, "to build," oikodome, "the act of building," - 1 Thessalonians 5:11 renders "build up," "building up.

So speak encouraging words to one another. Build up hope so you’ll all be together in this, no one left out, no one left behind. I know you’re already doing this; just keep on doing it. (1 Thessalonians 5:11. MSG). As a servant of Elyon, The Lord Most High, I am compelled to feed you words of encouragement that not only builds you up, but, put a spark in your life that opens your eyes to see beyond the limits you or anyone else has infiltrated within your mind.

I know, you’ve been down-trodden, overlooked, used and stepped on as if you’re nothing more than a door mat. Your spirit has been broken and crushed. But, God yet has something awesome planned for your life. We may never meet face to face, but I want to take this opportunity to build you up.

Take a good look in the mirror and proclaim who you are in Christ because we walk by faith and not by sight. There is goodness in you. You have a beautiful spirit and a brilliant mind and guess what, you are beautiful. You are gorgeous and your smile light up the room. But, there is something more special about you. Something you have overlooked for far too long. You have potential. You have skills, gifts and talents. You are unique and no one can do what God ordained you to do. And you can use these to do what you thought you never could to become a World Changer and a History Maker.

What are your potentials? What do you need to do to reach your potential?

How has this inspirational reading inspired you to reach your potential?



Get READY For Part 3:

and always remember - You mean the world to God.

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