As an Author/Publisher & Speaker-I Am GRATEFUL To each and everyone for your REVIEW of my book. Your loyalty, support, and encouragement inspire me beyond what you can imagine.
This review is from Capturing the Spirit of God's Word with Vernita (Paperback) Lynn (Omnipeace) -
I was soooo blessed to get a copy of this sad, but victorious book written by Vernita Simmons. It is so revealing, and I give her the utmost respect in revealing some of life's trials. She exposes her life to the reader in being a real example that thru faith we all can move forward to our divine destiny. Her chapter on the principles of forgiveness starts in this eye-opening introduction. Despite popular opinion to forgive IS to forget enabling the release of oneself and then the offender.
Chapter 7 shares love, trust, honesty that erupt in abuse, swindle, and deceit on several levels. She reveals so much through the book that you will surely know WHO this woman is and who we all can be. Our greater selves await with our constant holding and re-holding to our faith... Throughout the book, she rides the tides of false starts and missed steps to STEP UP in this God-given masterpiece!!!! Congrats to Vernita Capturing the Spirit of God's Word with Vernita and may God continue to use you.
A humble, yet a masterful piece of inspirational literature that is destined for the New York Times Best Seller’s List., August 29, 2015
Mary Barnes
This review is from: Capturing the Spirit of God's Word with Vernita (Kindle Edition)
“It is ok beloved, you will make it!” Those soothing and comforting words express the sentiment that is conveyed and resonated throughout this divinely inspired, medicinal manuscript. One can feel the presence of the gifted and nurturing author, Vernita Simmons, gently caressing the readers’ hands through a type of “labor and delivery process.” It is as if she is right there on the scene; motivating, stroking, guiding, and empowering every step of the way until “deliverance” is achieved. This book was meticulously dictated to this award-winning servant of the Most High, through the Power of the Holy Ghost. Its objective is to minister hope, help, and healing to those individuals battling major setbacks, disappointments, unforgiveness, etc.
Ms. Simmons is not merely mouthing the same old “robotic religious rhetoric” that is sometimes apathetically preached when one is “going through” difficulties. The reader can actually feel her compassion; her heart is in it! In addition, she also shares some of her own experiences as well. She gives us hope! Certainly, God is no respecter of persons. If He allowed Ms. Simmons to prevail victoriously in given situations, would he not do the same for the reader?
All of us, at some point in our lives, will experience those dreaded “valley experiences.” This impactful piece of anointed literature serves as an antidote. Why? The engrafted word of God is greatly utilized and permeates throughout; from cover to cover. Hence, the title, Capturing the Spirit Of God’s Word with Vernita, is aptly suited. This book is a “must-have” and a “must read” for every household. Thank you, Ms. Simmons, for fulfilling your part in your God-given purpose to humanity. As always, the honor and the glory belong to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Inspiring Read, September 25, 2015
Kathryn Jones - Author of Conquering Your Goliaths
This review is from: Capturing The Spirit of God's Word with Vernita (Paperback)
Vernita's book of inspiring devotionals may surprise you. Yes, you'll receive all the Bible has to offer, all the words of the Bible as Vernita sees them through the beating of her own heart - but you will discover something more, something just as powerful - her words, her life, her experiences.
"Open your heart and come unto Jesus and allow His love to lavish and snuggle you and experience a love as you've never [had] before."
"God’s storehouse is overflowing with supplies ~ He is the Ultimate Provider. He never has to take an inventory ~ He never runs out of stock ~ He never has to take an itemized list of goods because His’ supply list is limitless ~ Get ready to see the Lord as “The More Than Enough God”
"It is to your advantage to forgive, for in doing so, you choose love over hatred. As you operate in the power of God’s unconditional love and grace, you see the person from the Lord’s perspective. This enables you to show mercy and compassion and render to them what they need instead of what you may feel they deserve... empower these memories as a means to minister and share with others. God will use divine deliverance to set you free through your choice to forgive and exit the revolving door."
"Activate solutions that move you forward on the road to a progressive life of wholeness. Surround yourself with those who will help you live a victorious life."
Vernita's book is filled with inspiration and hope. Though not perfect in its presentation - there were times I had to move through grammar issues, places I had to read and re-read for clarity- and yet, in the end, I was glad I'd read her book and I hope to be a better person because of it.